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Vertical Colored Pencils
Deer Album Cover

Updates, Classes

Keep  up to date, learn a new skill, stay fresh and connected!

I always have new projects and workshops cooking. And I love to tell the world about it. Read up on new tools, new artists I've discovered and new art projects going on in the art community. I'd love for you to get involved, and contact me should you have more questions or want more information about anything you find here. Check out what is buzzing now.


Want to share your skills? How about teaching a class, drawing, painting, tips/tricks, etc. Other's want to know.. Reach out to Creative Spirit Gallery and we can arrange it.



Perspective Class

Jan. 2021

Learn the basics of 1, 2, and 3 point perspective. Makes all the difference in your images. So be sure to join in...learn about Vanishing Points, Anchor points, and more. There is more than just a horizon!
(Online via website chat and possibly live) This will be a free discussion Q&A class.

New Service Offered:

Logo Design, 9/17

In need of a new logo for your business or personal web pages, social profiles, etc. I am now offering Logo Development and images for your logo needs. Contact me for your wants and needs and lets see what we can come up with.

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